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Employees were also not properly washing their hands or not washing them at all Employees were not properly changing gloves between tasks. All violations were corrected. As per company policy, the manager was not able to comment. The chase reached speeds of 90 mph. State fire officials stated the Spirit Fire was burning on 10 acres near mile marker 31 along I 15, near the small town of Pintura. Two homes and three outbuildings were threatened by the blaze, which is believed to be human caused, Thursday night.. What attracted European trading companies to IndiaEuropean pirates when started looting the Indian vessels going in the Atlantics, the European trading companies ventured across the oceans so cheap nfl jerseys as to look for new lands from where they could buy such goods at a cheap price of such high qualities as produced by India, and carry them back to Europe to sell at higher prices. The fine qualities of cotton and silk produced in India had a big market in Europe. Indian sp...